Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

The units are mechanized complexes equipped with transport and loading mechanisms that move the processed products in accordance with the heat treatment program: loading, heating/tempering, quenching, unloading, etc. At the same time, the role of the service personnel is reduced to filling the loading device and monitoring the processing process.

The composition and structure of automated units is determined by a given sequence of thermal or chemical-thermal treatment operations. Depending on the specifics of the heat treatment processes carried out, the complexes may include electric resistance furnaces, quenching/washing baths, transport mechanisms, etc.

Quenching unit based on chamber furnace CHO-7.12.7/10
The quenching unit is designed for heating parts and workpieces in an oxidizing environment, quenching parts in oil with automated loading and unloading of parts. The unit consists of a chamber furnace of resistance CHO-7.12.7/10, an oil quenching tank BZM-3 and a transport and loading system. The transport system is a mechanized trolley moving along the rail tracks between the loading device, the furnace and the quenching tank.

Aluminum heat treatment unit CGO-11.15.15/6.2
Designed for quenching, annealing and artificial aging of aluminum alloys. The unit consists of a heating chamber with two centrifugal fans and a hearth trolley with horizontal and vertical movement mechanisms, a quenching tank, a transport trolley, a loading and unloading mechanism, a frame of the unit, a special device, a control system for the operation of the unit, auxiliary platforms and stairs. The undercarriage is installed in the hearth frame together with the vertical movement mechanism, the hearth frame moves on running wheels along the rail tracks installed directly under the unit.


  • Automated units. Technical specifications.

  • Price list

    All MIUS products

    The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant MIUS: muffle and vacuum laboratory furnaces, sand baths, drying cabinets and chambers, industrial shaft and chamber furnaces, quenching and washing baths, salt and saltpetre baths-furnaces, vacuum equipment, thermal insulation and ceramics, automated units, automation of thermal workshops, equipment
    • Muffle furnaces MIUS
      Muffle furnaces
      MIMP-M, MIMP-P, etc.
    • Laboratory equipment MIUS
      Laboratory equipment
      MIMP-VM, MIMP-BP, SSHOL, etc.
    • Drying cabinets and chambers MIUS
      Drying cabinets and chambers
      SHS, SNSHO, etc.
    • Technological equipment MIUS
      Technological equipment
      pallets, grids, baskets, etc.
    • Automation of thermal. workshops MIUS
      Automation of thermal. workshops
      control panels, etc.
    • Regulators and automation cabinets MIUS
      Regulators and automation cabinets
      MBU-01, MBU-02-N, MBU-R, etc.
    • Automated units MIUS
      Automated units
      SNO-7.12.7/10, CGO-11.15.15/6.2, etc.
    • Mine electric furnaces MIUS
      Mine electric furnaces
      SSO, SSHZ, USA, SAT, etc.
    • Chamber electric furnaces MIUS
      Chamber electric furnaces
      SNO, SNOT, SNZ, etc.
    • Quenching and washing. baths MIUS
      Quenching and washing. baths
      BSV, BP, BZM, etc.
    • Salt and saltpetre baths MIUS
      Salt and saltpetre baths
      SVS , etc .
    • Vacuum equipment MIUS
      Vacuum equipment
      SHSV et al .
    • Thermal insulation and ceramics MIUS
      Thermal insulation and ceramics
      slabs, bricks, tubes, etc.

    About MIUS

    The basic activity of the company MIUS (Tula) is the design and manufacture of equipment for electrothermal treatment. The production capacities of the enterprise allow manufacturing up to 1,500 units of laboratory and industrial equipment per year.

      The structure of the enterprise includes a design department, an industrial automation department and an experimental laboratory where new models of equipment are tested.

      The novelty and originality of design and technological solutions, the constant search for new areas of activity ensured the stable development of the enterprise.

      High quality of execution, reliability and durability made the company's products competitive not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries.

    Information Board MIUS

    Learn more about our products MIUS.
    • Price list for MIUS equipment производства МИУС
      Price list for MIUS equipment
    • MIUS pallet order form производства МИУС
      MIUS pallet order form


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